A Question Worth Asking
We all have a destination in mind - something we are working towards. How far we desire to go is usually based on how comfortable (or uncomfortable) where we currently are. Not all of us intend on ruling the world, but providing for ourselves and our loved ones seems to be unanimous. For some, it matters how they provide, as it ties into the purpose for living - their reason to get out of bed. For others, as long as they see food on the table and a roof over their family, they can continue on with their heads held high, regardless of how it got there. For the few, the desire to go beyond what's been done before churns inside them. They want to break records, see their name carved into the stone, and be the best. We all start with a desire, and what we quickly become confronted with a question: What are we willing to sacrifice to get where we want to go?
Find purpose - Let it Flow
If you are reading this, you might have already found your purpose in life, and know where it is your trying to go. If you have not, here is something to help you: Find what brings you flow. Flow is when we become disconnect from the world around us, loose track of time, and engage effortlessly and fully immersed into an activity. If you haven't felt that before, keep trying new things. If you know brings you flow and intend on perusing it as a profession to achieve mastery, pay attention to how your mind, body, and soul respond to it. I find flow playing video games, but too much negativity arises after long periods of playing. I know that this is not something I can spend too much of my life doing. The best flows are endless supplies of joy and fulfillment. Find what creates a net positive for yourself and others.
The Road of Many Sacrifices
When we decide on a destination (which may change) it's important we identify what needs to be sacrificed in order to get there. Our desire to keep going has to be stronger than the desire to be comfortable. Being comfortable is easy and feels good, but It's not until much later we realize that too much time spent being comfortable leads to hell: the feeling of living a wasted life. Growth manifests through pain and suffering - It's only after we go through hell that we get glimpses of heaven. We must write out the things that we are willing to sacrifice to get to our destination - being comfortable should be one of them.
How High Must We Climb?
Some walk around the block, some climb the tallest mountains in the world; We're all moving. We must ask ourselves honestly: could we be happy if this is as far as we went? And the answer should tell us all we need to know. We must keep pushing and prolong our gratification until its rightfully earned; however, there is no sense sacrificing our pleasures in life until we are miserable. Time with friends, food we like, and being entertained are all things that may not serve our purpose, but are necessary to sustain sanity and joy. The challenge is understanding who we are and finding our balance - and the key is honesty. The longer we lie to ourselves about why we do what we do, the harder it is to handle the truth. We are all connected, and we can sense when someone is living a lie. Only the truth can set us free and help find peace.
